From: Elder Jonathan Fischer
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 10:20
Querida família,
Another week passes by. The conference was amazing. It was about baptism invites. It was amazing. The fast and testimony meeting was amazing. When I bore my testimony I felt the spirit so strong. It was like an out pouring of wind on me. It was a very sacred expeience. I Love conferences.
This week we really worked hard. That one family of Fabiana took a trip and we haven´t had contact with them. We have been really trying to find new ones. I pray that we can find more people to baptise. It's starting to get difficult. I know that the Lord wants us to be successful. Please pray for me and my companion that we may be guided to find those that are ready to be baptised.
We had a meeting with the Bishop and we are going to have two really great activities this week. I'm really excited. We are going to have an English class on Friday and then we are doing a cinema night at the church. We are going to watch the Chronicles of Narnia. It's such a great film that hás a lot of religious meaning. I'm really excited to see what happens.
Tomorrow is going to be great. We are going to Vitoria and we are going to listen to Elder Beck the general president of the Young men. It's going to be great. I'm really excited. It should be a great experience.
It sounds like your all doing great. I'm exited about Aarons job. I pray that all will go well. This is an anwser to endless prayers. The Lord listens. We must trust in Him and have faith; something I'm trying to do more. I know it's hard when we have difficulties, but we must give up the natural man and remember that we are childeren of God. All of us. We must become as though children, so that then we will be prepared to enter into the Kindgom of our father. I Love the gospel. I know the Christ lives. I know that He tôo wants the best for us. For this we must strive to do our best. I pray that my companion and I can find the leaders of the church, for therein comes the happiness. As The Doctrine and Covenants states, the joy we will have is great in seeing another child of God in the kingdom because of our service, but how greater will be thine joy IF we help more than one. We all have gifts, and we must use them to edify the kingdom of God. I pray and hope that I can become the missionary the Lord wants me to be. There is a lot of room for improvement. But little by little all of us will acomplish our perfection.
Eu sei que Deus é nosso Pai e como tal, Ele quer o melhor para nós! Também eu testifico que precisamos aplicar os princípios do evangelho em nossas vidas todos os dias de modo que nos tornemos as pessoas Deus quer que sejamos. Eu sei que Jesus Cristo nos conhece- cada um de nós. Ele sofreu por nós. Ele já passou qualquer dor, aflição, ou sofrimento que estamos passando. Ele verdadeiramente é nosso Redentor. Eu espero que possamos nos esforçar a fazer o nosso melhor. Esse tempo é bem curto. Eu sei que essa é a Igreja de Jesus Cristo. A única igreja verdadeira que foi trazida de volta por intermédio do profeta Joseph Smith. Quão abençoados somos por sermos membros desta igreja. Eu deixo este testemunho em nome de nosso Salvador e Rei, Jesus Cristo. Amen.
Com Amor,
Elder Fischer
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