Querido Família,
Querido Família,
Tis the Season To Be Jolly
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 7:26 AM
Querida Família,
It sounds like you are all doing well, and a little bit cold. J Here, its still raining...raining.....it seems like summer here is a normal day in Seattle. I hope I will get to see some more sunshine in this next week. But, other than the weather some great things happened this week.
Saturday, me, my companion, and the other two elders sand in the other wards Christmas party. It was good. We sang The First Noel. The party in our ward is this Friday. Im excited! They always have tons of food.
And on Sunday, I gave my first talk in church in BRAZIL!!! The Lord truly blessed me. I talked on Humility. It was a great experience. Also on Sunday, I was able to watch the First Presidency Rebroadcast in our Chapel in ENGLISH!! What a blessing. Every time I hear the first presidency talk or any of the apostles or general authorities I just feel so great. A feeling of peace and love. It also feels a little like im home during conference J What great messages were given. Wow. Especially the talk by Henry B. Erying about Bishop Sellers. What a great example of being Christ-like. I truly feel so blessed to live in this dispensation and have the restored gospel upon the Earth. To have the priesthood on the earth, and to have the opportunity where ever you are in the world to enter in a chapel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and be taught the same lessons and material as everyone else on that Sunday. It just brings the reality that The Church of Jesus Christ, is that-The Church of Christ. I feel so blessed that we have a living prophet. My companion this past week told a story about one of the paintings of our Savior. This photo was painted by Del Parson and is a portrait shot of the Savior with His red robe. The story behind this is that Del Parson, was my companions mother's old art teacher in college. And he told her that when he painted this picture of the Savior, he presented it to the twelve and the prophet. As he did, the prophet at the time (he doesn´t know which..) said that this picture looks more like the Savior than any other picture we have, but He has green eyes. Isn´t that amazing. The painting has green eyes ..im guessing Del changed it. But, this story helps us remember that really, prophets talk with the Savior face to face as it is stated in Exodus 33:11 ´´ E falava ao Senhor a Moises face a face como qualquer fala com amigo..´´ (I hope this is right..i had help). That the Savior is leading and guiding this church. What a blessing we have to live in this dispensation. What great knowledge we have. What an opportunity we have to share with others what we know.
Well, this week to come should be pretty eventful. This Friday we have conference in Macaé. O and I will be calling around 6 or7 p.m. here in brasil at a member's house. So, im guessing I should call your cell? O I got your Christmas Card today. The message you wrote in the middle was great. I really enjoyed it.
I wish you all a great week! Remember our purpose in this live, and the importance of faith, hope, charity, and love.
Com Amor,
Elder Fischer
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 9:21 AM
Too Early Querido Família, Boa Tarde de Brasil!! Está semana foi rápida de novo!!!
Eu estou muito feliz por que nos temos um batismo esta semana.
This week went by fast. There was not two many highlights this week. It was kinda sad though because one of our investigators cancelled his baptism because he had to go to Cabo Frio to visit his grandpa who was sick. But, im hoping he will still be baptized this month. J But that Sunday, we had a great fast and testimony meeting. One of our investigator bore her testimony. It was so great. The spirit was so strong. Its awesome because her and her husband will be married 3 of January and baptized later on the same day!! She really is a great person. Her aunt was baptized in may with her husband. They are going to be great leaders in the church. It is really great to see someone grasp the gospel and realize the truth-and really follow its teachings. Its like watching a child grow.. haha.. I can´t even imagine how our Heavenly Father feels. J
Also, the weather took a different turn. It stopped raining and warmeedddd up!!! It has been really sunny lately. O and this past Wednesday we played soccer. It was really fun. The stake center has a court. We played with one of our investigators and his cousin, and some kids from the wards. It was fun. Its amazing to see how good some people here can dribble the soccer ball.
Well, im excited for this week because we the Lord has blessed my companion and I with a baptism. Arnold, and his son will be baptized this Friday. He has been investigating the church for 3 years. It's a blessing to help him. Hes a great guy. His oldest son Lucas, 11, was already baptized. His kids are really cool. The Lord truly has blessed me and my companion. Well, that's my week. I hope you are all doing well. I received pictures!! Its great to see everyone. Especially the photo from last Thanksgiving...Brings back the memories. O mom, I received my lenses. Thank you so much. !!! Até semana que vem!
Com amor,
Elder Fiscer
Sent: Wed 12/03/08 6:04 AM
Oh, about the movies.. My mission president said that the white handbook are our rules and for everything else follow the spirit...so its kinda weird.. like it doesn´t say anything about which movies in the white hand book from what i know. But i would be scared watching mild hollywood videos haha.. but every mission is different. I truly feel that i was called here for a reason. Becuase the mission president changed the rules when i got her to when a person is going to be batpized they have to wait 3 days if they had a problem with smoking or drinking..now its a week.. i would not feel comfortable batptizing someone with just 3 days.. The idea was that its their faith that will sustain them..but i defintly like the new rule with our new preseidnet.. to wait a week..ah.. what a blessing im here with pres. pickett.! Hes amazing. i love him and his wife soo much. Sister pickett is hilarious. i love talking with her. No wonder beth and her husband got along with them. ahah Have a great week!
Love your son for ever,
Elder fischer
Sent: Wed 12/03/08 5:50 AM
Caro Família, Boa Tarde de Brasil!!!
Esta semana foi rápida de novo. Todos as semana passam muito rápida. Isso é uma benção!Então, Minha semana inclui:
On Saturday my companion nad i had a batism. I truly feel blessed. To give some background information. She is 9 years old, and her parents have been afastado (inactive). Her mom is still inactive, but her dad has been going to church ever since I arrived here in Campos. So, he wanted to have his daughter be baptized. It was a great experience, because the spirit was so strong at the baptism. Which was great because the mother was there. She seemed happy. It was funny though because I had been teaching the English class at the church for a few weeks and had been teaching her. And so she wanted me to baptize her. It was a great honor. The lord has truly blessed me. But, it was funny because the first time I said the baptism I stopped in the middle and totally forgot what to say..haha but then I just started from the beginning and it was fine. Haha It was a great experience.
Then the next event. That Sunday, we had a combined meeting in the first hour (our sacrament meeting is at the end) and the bishop spoke. He is an amazing man. He is a great family. But hes only 26! But, he is very very spiritual. He spoke on something I thought was really interesting. He spoke on the Second coming. And stated that we need to prepare for the second coming because, really, its soon. He said we need to be ready to do the law of consecration. I find this very interesting because recently there has been a lot said about how we really need to preprare. General conference! I truly think that we are approaching the end of this dispensation. We are approaching the day when our savior and redeemder will come and rein with glory and power. Just look at the natural disasters that are hitting our earth. Here in the south of brazil. Tons of people recently died to flooding. We have a newspaper in our house and it looks like Katrina hit the place. Ironic cause its called..Santa Cantarina…. Really though.. we need to prepare.
Well I hope all of you had a great thanksgiving and week. I think about and pray for all of you everyday. I feel so blessed to have all in my life. Keep sending the letters! And I can´t wait to hear from you all at Christmas!!
Com Amor,
Elder Fischer
p.s. please pray that I will continue to receive help with the language. Thanks
Come What May and Love It
Sent: Wed 11/19/08 8:17 AM
Oi Família Esta semana foi rápida de novo.
This week went by so fast. I can’t believe that there is a transfer next week. I have a feeling that i will stay. I only have 2 transfers here, and my companion and twice that. Im almost positive that i will stay. But, who knows? O so dont send any missionties untill you recieve me e-mail next week, in case i do get transferred. O and i heard about BECCA getting married. That is crazy. But, good for her. Have you heard about Talmage’s call yet? Please e-mail me as soon as you do.
Sounds like the same old at the house. That’s exciting though that your getting your dream come true. Your really going to move!! I look forward to pictures of the house.
Things here have been going fast. We have a baptism that is scheduled next week. Its another girl that is over the age of 8 and hás not been baptized that’s in our ward. It should be really great. The primary is suppose to sing. I´m hoping one o four investigators will get baptized next week or this week tôo. So on Monday i got this strong impression that i should tell you this. One time when we having a division i was with last transfer he told me Hes really cool. His girlfriend is a member. Basically she that she would marry him unless he’s a member. Pretty cool. Hes just been hard to get a hold of with his work schedule. He góes out on oil rigs.
Oh, one really cool thing happened this week. I got to do a division with the other dupla in our house and got to teach one of their investigators that is gettign baptized this week. Her story is neat. She said that she hás been searching all the churchs and hás never liked any of them. She said that she liked logic and bascially they didn´t make sense. She had even studdied the Koran.! She is very intelligent She was never baptized in any of them. And shes like thats the thing, your church makes sense. It hás logic. What a cool person.
Well thats pretty much it for this week. Nothing to exciting. Praying for my investigatos and continuing to search for others. I feel blessed to take part in this work and help God´s childeren become acuqatined with the true- that The Church of Jesus Christ is on the earth today. What a blessing. I just want to thank you all for all that you have all done in my family. ( Dia de ação das graças)Thanksgiving is next week and i thought that i would just throw that out there. Seriously, families are such a blessing in our lives, and i feel so lucky to have the family i do. Thanks for all of your support (prayers, letters, ect). It really means a lot.
Have a great week!
Com amor,
Elder Fischer
Sejam Bem Vindos ao Rio!
From: Elder Jonathan Fischer (jonathan.j.fischer@myldsmail.net)
Sent: Wed 11/05/08 9:52 AM
Oi Família Boa Tarde!! Esta semana foi muito rápido!!
That was great to volleyemails back and forth mom! Wow the power of internet. This week went by so fast and so many things happened!! And OBAMA WON?!Wow...but onto other things.. thats awesome to hear about Gás prices dropping. And about the guns?? I think i might have you buy me a gun tôo. What kind did you guys buy??Whats interesting is that it seems like the U.S. is going to turn into Brazil.. Its against the law to have guns here haha. Well onto this week:
Well on Thursay we went to the Posto De saúde (free health care station) and i witnessed a grime future of Health Care if the U.S. decided to adopt this plan. WE went there and it was crazy packed. And after trying to figure out what to do.. They told us we could only come by on Mondays and Wednesdays and we would have to arrive at 6:00a.m. and wait until 8 and then they would call us during the day to come back. What a mess. Luckily we finally got a hold of assitants for a list of doutors that take our health plano n the mission. Man i was so glad to get that list. After going to the second place (the first place was already closed for the day 3:30 ..Brazil is like that haha) i received medical care. ..The place was clean and the doctor was really nice. But my ear still hurts and it hás almost been a week.. Pray please
Then on Monday we got a call from the assistants...and we were told me needed to go to RIO !!! YAAY.. my companion needed to get his visa renewed (they do this every year). It was a blast!! I love RIO. IT its one of the most beautiful cities. Wow..You saw the pictures that i sent you from the Presidents apartment. And if you stay in the right áreas..its amazing.. The assistants and those that work in the office, have the rich áreas....minha nossa..haha Actually the office also hás a view of the Statue of the Redeemer and Pão de Açúcar (sugar loaf). O´, and also about the office. One of the finanicial assisants or secrataries was a professional soccer player!!How awesome is that. He put his famous career on hold to serve a mission. He is way cool. O and the best part about that visit to RIO was going to the Rodízio (which is na all you can eat pizzaria..hmmm..) it was so good. And then we headed back home on Tuesday. IT was great to take a break from the same routine and see more of the State. Transfers are coming up—26/11/2008..the day before thanks giving. Kinda lame..o and about your questiono regarding Halloween. They do nothing here..lame..day of the dead is méxico..IT was just another day here haha.. kinda sad.. And today...WE got to go bowling!! It was zone activity. It was way fun. This week hás been a nice break haha. Ill show you pictures. IT was actually really nice. Well i hope you all have a great week and keep me updated on this new president!! And with all the guns flying off the racks. IT sounds like kaoss. Haha I have attached a couple of pictures!!
Love you all much!
Elder Fischer
From: Elder Jonathan Fischer Wednesday, October 29, 2008 7:43 AM
Oi Família ! Boa TARDe!!
Another week hás flown bye! This week was really packed. Here is the rundown for the week. This past Friday we had a wedding and batism at the chapel!! It was great. It was the other district batism, but they wanted to use our chapel becuase it is so nice!! It was way cool becuase right after they were married, the husband got baptised. And then they partied. This guy was way cool tôo.He use to be a judge for about 40 years in Curitiba and so there were people from all over Brazil that came. Now he is a professor at the college here and teaches the course for those that going to be come judges. He is really excited about the gospel. In fact, he hás already planned is date to go to the temple!! And he is planning on serving a mission with his wife. He said that he hás visted all over the world with all types of cultures, but hás never before found these eternal truths- The true gospel Princples of Jesus Christ. What na amazing conversion. My companion felt like he had been taught when he conducted the batismal interview. The next event this week was the heat!! It got up 95 degrees!! Wow, and its only primavera (spring)!! Im going to die when verão (summer) comes around. Speaking of winter-the stores here have already put out Christmas decorations. Haha Its so funny. Thats pretty much it for this week. But today, im going to the doctor!! Haha I think i have na ear invection and i have something wrong with my throat. But, it will all work out. It should be na interesting exeperience. Here they have these clinics that are free and everyone can go to.. Ill have to let you know how it góes since-the way it sounds like the elections are going in America, thats what everyone will be doing! Haha .. jk Well i hope all is going well. And Remeber that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a blessing in our lives. That having this blessing is something we need to share. We are living in the last days ´´Úlitmos Dias´´ and NOW is the time to share the gospel and bring salvation to others. Christ hás already come once- the time of trying is past, IT IS THE TIME TO DO! The Second coming is not far off. I wish you all the Best. Remember that solence comes to those that read and ESTUDAR (study) the scriptures. Its brings tranquility into our lives. They help guide us-they are our Liahona !
Com Amor,
Elder Fischer
Our Tirals bring us Blessings
Oi Familia!
This week flew bye! It sounds like everyone is doing well! Gotta love that. Its amazing to see the hand of the Lord in our lives. What a blessing. As for this week it was pretty much the same as the last. But there are a few highlights! First, the weather has a taken a huge step in change. Now that it is primavera (spring) the weather has dumped rain and sent the heat!! Man, its crazy how hott it can get here. But, its fine..hah the funny thing is that its only Spring.. haha Second, me and my companion have been working with some great new investigators. I hope they progress and follow the example of the Savior into Baptisim. Its interesting becuase, it seems like every person has their own trial they have to get through. And man, i have seen some trials that people have. But, through Fé (faith), and obedience, and the Goodness of God, I know they are able to overcome their problems. The difficulty is that sometimes the people here do not want to put in the effort. Thats when it is sad. One of the trials here in brazil is that no one gets married here. I think its mostley becuase they don´t want to jump through the hoops-becuase here in brazil its really expensive for the average ´´joe´´ and 2. there are a bunch of papers that you need to fill out -- and then once you have done that it takes about 90 days for the papers to process. Well anyways, I don´t have a lot of time to write more becuase i will be sending pictures this week. Imnot allowed to upload them on snapfish.com -mom :( So its going to take a whilele I hope you allhave a great week. Remember that God Loves us and that even though we have trials we will be lifted up. We can turn oursuffering to the Lord. We can feel his Love, and through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, we can overcome our suffering in this life. WE become stronger through our weaknessed, and our trials help prepare us for the next highlight in our life. Let us be steadfeast in our Scripture reading and personal, and familyprayers. Through our effort, we become blessed. I wish you all the best, and feel undescribable gratitude for you all. You have trully helped me in my life. And feel so grateful and privelleged to have you as my family and have the oppertunity to live with all of you through out eternity.
Com Amor,
Minha Família Boa TARDE!!! Como Vocês Estão?!
Sent: Wed 10/15/08 1:12 PM
Minha Família Boa TARDE!!! Como Vocês Estão?!
This week flew bye again! But very filled! Wow! Heres the highlights of the week Thursday, I had a division with the Zone Leader. He is way cool and very hard worker. He gave me some great tips. Its always great to take a break from the same routine and do something else in the Lord´s work. Then on Sunday, wow, we had a great testimony meeting. You know me.. I was balling. Haha The spirit was so strong. One of the recent members 10, (she was baptized about a week before i arrived here in Campos) gave a great testimony. She said that we need to share the gospel with everyone and not be ashamed about it! Shes 10!! She also said that when she was going to be baptized a loto of people said that she shouldn´t, but she knew she should and felt God´s love for her. Wow what na amazing kid. It reminds me of the scripture recalling `and a little child will lead them´´. Then this week we had transfers!!! TODAY! Man when something this exiciting happens, its the onlything us missionaries talk about! Haha II´m still here in Campos, and im happy. The memebers here are great, and the Chapel..wow. i will send pictures. Its brand new and about 15 mintues from our house. It hás an elevator in it haha. And we got a 3 new people in our district. All brazillians. Im happy, becuase change is always welcome. O mom, thanks so much for the letter about conference through missionties. I loved it. Especially the comment about ´´The Other Side of Heaven´´. I recently watched it on P-day in the Church. I love that movie. I thought it was hilarious that you and nikki thought i might be living in a condition like this. Há. I feel so blessed where i am living. Its no América, but its great. Actually its kinda of Ironic because i feel like its beutiful in some of the parts of the city here, and i guess im in the Arm pito f the mission.. haha I hope i get to serve in Copacabanna or Búzios. There both in my mission Mom, we need to visit when you come here. Thats great to hear about the house!! Congrats! Do you know if you will be building? Im so excited”!! Sorry about the minimal pictures. Im going to take a bunch of pictures tonight and then send them next P-day. Don´t fret! Just another update the Elections here are nuts. Haha As im typing there is a parade of cars, (not authorized by the city im sure) driving down the street. Its crazy, They use fireworks and huge busese loaded with speakers. Its hilarious. I can´t even begin to explain it. Its definataley a unique experience! Viva Brazil!!! Well I love you all so much and feel so blessed. The language is continually coming and feel so grateful to be a member of the true Church. It saddens me when people overlook our message and take it for granted. I thank you all so much for your letters, and e-mails. They really mean so much to me. They help those difficult days pass. Eu sei Jesus Cristo é nosso Salvador. Ele vive, e Jesus Cristo vai retornar! Eu sei que nos temos o evangelho restaurado por meio Joseph Smith. Eu sei que nos precisamos ler a escrituras todos os dias, por que Elas são as palavras de Deus e vai nos fortalecer nossa fé!! Lê! Eu sou grato por vocês!!
Com amor,
Elder Fischer
Sent: Thu 10/02/08 9:16 AM
Ola Família!
This week flew bye again. I can´t belive how fast time is going. The weather hás sertainaly been a lot more rainy-which i have been suprised. Haha. But, still hot. Well hears the rundown on my week, We have been following up with our investigators and have been trying really hard to prepare them for batisim.Other than that we have just been working hard and this week was pretty much the same. One highlight of the week was this parade of cars. Haha I wish i had my câmera. There is na election going on here in Campos and the way the way they campaign is crazy! They pay people that have suped up their cars with huge sterio systems to play their advertisments all day long as they drive down the street. And i mean loud! Well what was funny was we were at na investigators house and we heard all this noise and we all went out side and their was this HUGE stream of cars all blasting the ad and the waving banners of the canidate. It was crazy it was like a parade x 10!. They have these busses that are suped up with probably 50 speakers on them and blast music. Like ridicuoulsy loud. They uses them for carnival and politics ahha. It was na interesting expereince becuase it was almost like a glimpse of carnival. Haha Especially when there was this one buss with cross dressers. It was interesting. One person was riding a bike cause they didn´t have a car with a chicken in his basket. It was hysterical. Another, highlight was yesterday.We had a conference in Macaé! What a beautiful city. It is a city right on the coast. Its really nice. And we had a nice lunch at this resturant. I love confernces. It was a great expereinces. Im still trying to learn the language, so i don´t know what all góes on. Haha Sometimes i feel so lost. Haha. The mission truly is a growing experience. I have grown so much! I love the América!! Haha I know im here for a reason. And although there are trying times, the Lord is ominpionent and knows all. This is the Lords work. Let Salvation come to those Prepared!! Well I love you all and hope to hear from you all soon!
Com amor,
Elder Fischer!
Re: Seattle Times
Sent: Thu 10/02/08 9:04 AM
I forgot to tell you about Elder Kirkpartick. Hes fine! He was on my departing group to RIO. In fact hes in an area that i seem him during conferences. Hes way cool . WE talk a lot when we see each other. Hes funny, he tells me about his area and his expericnce with washing clothes by hand ahha. We have a washer cause there is 4 of us. Its just him and his compaion! But its awesome cause hes near cabo frio and its beautiful. Thats great to hear about Dads job!! Hurray!! I will continue to pray. That would be awesome for you guys. I hope all works out for u!
Love You!
Hello again
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 10:26 AM
Oi Família
This week flew bye! I can´t belieive it. Its crazy how fast the time góes. It sounds like everything is going pretty well- other than the economy. Yikes. But all will turn it J There is a great scripture about América in the Book of Mórmon ( 2 Nephi 10:10-20) Its great. O and to anwser your questions mom. Haha WE get 60 mins to use the internet in which we need to; e-mail the president ( in português) check the referall site for 15 mins, and e-mail the family. And we use na internet café. So the computuers do not function the best. I wish i had more time to e-mail each one of you. J O and i recived the missionties letter last p-day it was after i had written you the e-mail. Everything seems to be working with that! Thank you so much )) J But anyways, This week was pretty the same as last week, but there are a couple highlights that I would like to talk about. I forgot to write in my last e-mail that on the way back from our conferencia in Macaé. My companion encouraged me to stand up in front of the bus and bear my testimony about the Livro de Mórmon to everyone on the bus. Haha It was great. AS i bore my testimony my companion and another Elder passed out passalong cards. IT was fun Anyways, back to this week. I want to talk about yesterday. It was great. One of the best days i have had in the feild. My companion went on a split with another missionary and i was teamed up with his Companion. Elder Encinie. He is a brazilian and speaks come english. He is a great missionary and works hard. Yesterday we met up with a member from our ward that had recently returned from his mission early due to his health. He was out for only 3 months! But he said he will return in a couple months. He hád problems with the smog in São Paulo. His name is Jonathan. But anyways, we went teaching with him and we went to a house that his mother is friends with. This family is very special. They let us in and were very nice to us. But, what was interesting was that the mother had a book of Mórmon from a very long time ago. She said she had met with the missionaries before she was married. The spirit was very strong when we taught. And they were so engergetic about praying to know the truth. But, the best part was that after we left. The member Jonathan, said to me that when i was teaching, he said he had a ´´dejavou´´ effect. Which is really interesting becuase it reinforced the idea of how we were preordained before this life to teach people in this life. It amazing. This work is real. That Jesus Christ is our savior, God is our Heavenly Father. And, the best part about it is that the Holy Ghost is able to testify the truth of this and all things, if we pray with real intent and a purê heart. What a great expereience it was. I hope you will all have a great week. I think about you all and pray for you. I love you all so much. Im so blessed to have been raised in América and have grown up in the gospel. We have such a precious gift. We need to remeber to share it. The world hás completlty forgotten their purpose hear on earth. WE need to help them remember.
Com amor,
Elder Fischer
Another Week Slides By
Wednesday, September 17, 2008 9:45 AM
Well, I´m so angry. I had a long letter typed up and it xout and delted it self becuase my time ran out. I´m sorry that i can´t write more but, im complety out of time. Rules of the missions. Im sorry. I will write more in the next week. Well, here is the rundown of my week I went to a conference in Macaé . It was a great experience. Mas, it was a little difficult to understand everything that was said, since it was in português. Then later that week we contiunted to teach the Rangel Family. They are great examples. The father who is not even a memeber yet becuase of the marriage papers , he gives out pass a long cards!! What na example Well i wish i had time to rewrite my letter. But i don´t L . I wish you all the best. Aaron, I wish you the best. I know that you have had some hard times but i know that you will be blessed. The Lord knows you. Stay strong. J I will continue to pray for you. I love you all so much. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Com Amor,
Elder Fischer
Muito Obrigado Todo,
Thank you all for writing me it really means a lot. This week flew bye. I wish I had time to explain everything that happened, but i don´t have much time. Sunday was great. The chapel we attend is brand new! Its beautiful. Its less than 1 year old. And the other two missionaries in our casa, hád a baptism. It was a good experience. This week we have been teaching this incredible family. Two of the daughters have already been baptized about 2 weeks ago i think. One is 10 and the other is 13. The parents are going to be baptized once all of their marriage paper work gets completed. They are so nice. They own a store outside their house, and they always feed us when we visit. People here are so giving. I love th brazilians. Então, we have been teaching the rest of this families relatives, it a long story and i wish i had time to explain, but the Lord truly works in marvelous ways. People have been chosen before this life. I feel a connection with this family. What a blessing. The language is coming. I just feel out of place, cause i can barely even understand anyone ever. They speak a little bit differently here than in São Paulo. Its weird. I just need to be more patient. Thank you so much i can not even begin to explain what a blessing it is to recive updates from all of you. Thank you so much! You have all helped me become who i am today, and i thank you. Families are eternal, and for that i am grateful. I amo vocês muito. Boa Sorte com esta semana!
Com amor,
Elder Fischer
Elder Fischer Arrived!


Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2008 20:09:41 +0000
Dear Brother and Sister Fischer
We are very grateful to have Elder Fischer with us in the Brazil Rio de Janeiro North Mission. He arrived Tuesday from the CTM in São Paulo. Although a little tired due to an early plane flight, he was anxious to begin his service in the mission field. After a morning of interviews, we met in our home for lunch and an afternoon of training. Attached is a picture taken from our veranda following our session.
It was a pleasure to meet your son in part because we have heard many great things about Jonathan from the Thomases who live in our ward in Salt Lake. Elder Fischer lived up to all the many things we have heard. You should be very proud of him (as I’m certain you are).
Once again, it was a pleasure getting to know your son and we look forward to serving with him as we invite others to come unto Christ and enjoy the blessing of the gospel. If in the future you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
President and Sister Pickett
Olá De Campos!
Wed 9/03/08 1:03 PM
Oi Família!
Esta semana hás been busy. Last week, my gums continuted to bother me so i went to the Dentista. It was a definatley na interesting experience. I got to take a cab with one of the instructors, and the office was pretty nice. Luckily i had nothing wrong with my gums, just a canker soar on my gum line. I feel blessed. Then that following Sunday it was amazing. Presidente and Sister Richardson came to the CTM and talked. It was great. It was really great to see them one last time. He is na inspiring man.I feel so blessed to have had so many people help me in my life. Especially all of you. Mom and Dad thank you for all that you have done for me. Being here, as humbled me so much. Forgive me of my errogancy and ungratefulness. The both of you have given me so much. And for that i feel so grateful. Thank you I love all of you so much. WEll my last week in the CTM was great and boy did it fly buy. My last day came so fast. That leaves it at Tuesday. The day of EMBARCATION. Wow. What an experience it was. I awoke at 3:50 a.m. prepared, gathered my stuff, and headed out. We arrrived at the CTM around 6:00 ish. We then loaded on the airplan at 8:00 a.m. and headed for RIO. /it was only about a 40 minute plaine ride. It was great to see Rio from the air. What a beautiful city. I wish you were all here. After the plane landed in RIO we had to get some things filled out at the airport. Wow what huge airport. It hás a post office, stores, police station, which we went to, and all kinds of things. It is huge. After that we loaded up in the car and headed for mission office, and then went to the President´s apartment. IT was really nice. It hás the best view. IT hás a huge deck that overlooks the Statue of the Redeemer, Pão de Azucar (suger loaf mountain). I took lots of pictuers. Then we went to the Hotel. WE stayed at a nice place. After breakfeast we headed for the Rodoviária (bus station). And I headed off to Campos, Rio de Janeiro. It took about 3-4 hours. It was great to drive through the countryside. Its beautiful. But, now I´m in Campos. MY companion is Elder Gann. He played for CSU. He was their quarter back. I told him where you live Aaron, and he hás a couple of friends that live out there. Pretty cool. There are two other elders that live in our apartment. One is American and the other is Brazilian. Well this week hás been crazy. And I´m worried about the language. The Lord hás blessed me with what I already know, but I still need ALOT of improvement. So please continue to pray. Thank you so much. This experience so far hás been really humbling. It hás made me realize what a great country, and promised land I was born in. God bless América. What a blessing. Well i hope all is going well with you all. I haven´t heard anything this week. haha. O and I only receive letters and packages that are sent to the Mission home about every transfer, which is about 6 weeks. Mailing contacts and medication should not be a problem just put Jesus stickers on the box. And just put medical supplies in the description. O and a mission Rule is that I can´t email any except my immediate family. So if Aunt Suzano or something e-mails, just go through you I guess. MY new address is:Travessa Aurino Tavares, 57PQ RosárioCampos dos Goytacazes-RJ22220-040Brazil Remember no packages to this address********** Also if you could findo ut Mr. Cheney´s address and instructions for how it works in the field sorry..that would be amazing!! Sorry
Thank you all so much?
Mom and Dad thanks for all that you have done for me. I don´t have much time today and still trying to figure out how im going to send pictures. I think im going to send them next week. Today hás just been crazy. I feel like im so isolated. Campos is pretty far out here. Its pretty crazy. How are things going? I heard McCain elected the Lady from Alaska. I have been kinda feeling down lately too. Just kinda depressed. Thinkin in my head. I need to stop dwelling on things. Well,, I reallly
Love you both much, keep the e-mails coming! Thanks!
Eu Irá Ao Campo Proxima Semana!!
Sent: Tue 8/26/08 9:56 AM
Oi Família !
It sounds like everyone is getting better :) Thank you for all of your e-mails. It really means a lot. This week has been crazy. I can´t believe that it is already over! Today is my last Dia da Preparação in the CTM!! I´m so excited to head to the campo.It will be a great expereince. Well, before I go on, let me update you on this past week. Tuesday started the week off great. We had our Area President- Presidente Charles Didier of the Quorum of the Seventy come and speak. What an amazing man he is.He speaks five different languages, French, German, English, Flemish ( some sort of french i think) and Spanish. He is amazing. He spoke on being a Servants of Rightousness. It was amazing. But what was really interesting was His wife´s conversion story to the Church. She actually started the meeting of with her conversion story. She grew up in Belgium and once WWII had ended, her and her mother were living in her Aunt´s house becuase there house has been hit by a missle. He father was in the hospitial becuase he had been in prison for three years and needed medical attention becuase of the condition in the prison. She went on to tell how her mother had let these two missionaries into her aunt´s house. They started talking with them and began teaching the lessons to them. As they did so, began to come into their lifes. 1st, the missionaries promised that if the father would stop smoking, he would be able to recover from his current condition. This was a great promise, for the doctors had diagnosed the father with a short life span. He was not going to live very long. The father then committed to accept the commandment, and the family followed the steps of Christ into Baptism. Her father was able to see another doctor and lived way longer than was expected. He lived untill he was about 74 i think she said. Nonetheless, as they followed the gospel of Jesus Christ, miracles continued. They obeyed the law of tithing, and were after a year able to rent an apartment. Things from then on got better. At this fireside her mother had accompanied them. Her mother is now 98. She was extremely fast at walking ahah. And she only spake French. The neat thing was, Her mother (Presidente´s Mother in Law) was then asked to bear her testimony after she spake. It was a realy treat becuase this little old lady was soo sincere. There was three translations occuring. It went from FRench- English- Portugês. It was amazing to see. Well, Onto Presidente Charles Didiers talk. HE spoke on how we as missionaries need to be ´´Pillars of Iron´´ so we can withstand the trials in our mission. We need to also envision our selfs with what we want to become and then act on it. To say the least it was an amazing experience. I wish i had more time to elaborate. The week continued on with more studying. Then on Saturday we had an amazing fireside on The Atonement of Jesus Christ. It was amazing. I wish i had time to elaborate on this as well. I know that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is real. It is a underscriable gift, and something that we cannot even grasp the pain it cost. During our life here on earth we experience our pains and afflictions and through Christ our trials can be alleviated. The pain Jesus Christ, our Savior Redeemer, and Light, endured leaves me speechless. Only the Son of God, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ could take upon Himself the Sins and Suffering of all Mankind. I cannot begin to explain the grattidue I have to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ. What an amazing gift. That just as the past dispensations the Gospel has been restored. This is not something new, it is somthing that has been upon the Earth time and time again, But this is the last time. The last dispensation. What knowledge we have, I love you all and thank you again for the letters you send. I will be leaving for Rio this coming tuesday. Thanks!!
-Elder Fischer
pictures - MTC - Missionaries BRASIL

Sent: Wed 8/20/08 12:08 PM
Hi, I am Sister Erika. I am a instructor of MTC. These is some pictures of my district, Your children . The time flies, in two weeks they are going to the field. I already have good memories of us and our classes. Elder fischer, Elder Miller, Elder Hale, Elder Burge, Elder Maier, Elder Aldous, Elder Casey and Elder Lish. This district is very animated. We have two more weeks to work hard. I love each one of them. I hope you like the pictures.
Have a good day!
Tenha um bom dia!
"Irmã Erika."
My Soul Delighteth in the Lord
Sent: Tue 8/19/08 9:43 AM
Boa Tarde!!
Another semana has passed bye! Wow, I have already been here seven weeks. It sounds like everyone has really been busy. I will contiune to pray for you all J Alright so for the recap of my week. Well, it was pretty much just a regular week. The highlight was that my companiero and I passed off our 2 Lição. We also taught this lesson in TRC this week. It went pretty good. I can´t beleive that we are already moving onto our 3 Lição. Only 2 more weeks. Wow. Please pray for me with the language. The Lord has really blessed me with help, I just know that I have a lot of room for improvement. J Well, the rest of the week was pretty much the same, and then another great Sunday came. Everyweek everyone in the branch has to prepare a five minute talk on the Christ like attribute for the week. This past week it was Humility. Since, we are the oldest district our district got called. I was one of them. J Then that night we had our Devotional. The music by the Choir was phenominal. Simply amazing. They sang ´´The Army of Helaman Medley´´. The choir was accompanied with a violin. It was great. The Spirit at the CTM is really special. I would actually like to embelish a little more on the experience at the CTM. The CTM is truly a molding expeirence. One really does get stretched. Each missionary goes through a trial of there own whatever it be (or at least i think). Some are greater than others. For instance, na Elder in our branch had a close cousin that attemped suicide. I never heard back what was the result. He was in the hopsital and the results were either death, or being blind for the rest of our live. Another Elder in our Branch that recently left had his mother pass away while he was here. His last testimony meeting with us, he testified on how familes could be together forever. What great faith, what courage, what and example. What im trying to explain here is that everyone expereince trials. But as we turn them unto the Lord we can truly overcome them, just as these amazing Elders have done so, and have decided to press forward with their missions. What great examples. The Lord loves us, knows who we are and gives us these trials to help us grow and become our full potetional. The potetional that we have been foreordained to become. We must strive to live righteously so we can inherit those blessings that come from obeidience. As we do so, we feel the Lord´s hand reaching out to us in hard times, helping us to overcome and bear our trials. Although it may take time to get through these trials in our life, we WILL overcome them and feel joy in our life IF we stay on the Lord´s path. We have entered into the Straight and Narrow gate of Batism, and it is our duty to continue that journey. I have personally been stretched here at the CTM. I just have to continue to press forward and pray. And pray J SO MORE. J What a blessing we have as being memebers of the true Chruch, A Igreja de Jesus Cristo Dos Santos Dos Últimos Dias. And then there is today. P-Day! We went to the São Paulo temple again. It is always a great experience. I wish that you could all be there. The batismal font is BEAUTIFUL. I can´t even begin to explain. I wish I had pictures. Wow. Well im going to end this letter now. Its extremely hot in here today at Mr. Cheney´s-there is no air conditioning running today..Don´t really know why.haha. Things have really started to warm up here. It sure is beautiful to see the Sun. J Well, I hope you all have another great week and HANG IN THERE (Especially you Aaron) ! And please keep the letters coming. Even if its a few sentences, it brightens my day J
Com amor,
Elder Fischer
Como Vocês Estão?
Tue 8/12/08 10:30 AM
Olá Família!!
This week has flown bye!! Its another beautiful day in Casa Verde, São Paulo, Brazil. Although most of this week was pretty gloomy. We has storm come in and it rained off and on the whole week. It was a nice change though. I can´t believe how it is already so warm here about 23-27 degrees celceius and its winter!! Alright for the recap of this week: The beginging of the week it was just the same old. Lots of studying and trying to Learn more Portuguese. Then on Friday we went PROSELTYING!! Proselyting was great! Altough it was a bit difficult this time becuase of the weather. Nonetheless it was a great experience. We went to the same place as last time ´´ The Wall Street´´ of São Paulo, but just a few blocks up. It is such a blessing to take part in the Lord´s work. I felt really good about this one Livro de Mórmon I gave away. It was a young man about my age or older. We met him at the crosswalk. I bore testimony of the Book and how I have come to know that Jesus is my Savior and other said a few other things. It was a really great experience. Sunday was another great day. The president of our Branch spoke, Presidente Larado. He spoke on companionship unity. It was really good. He is a really smart with analogies. Sunday contintued to get better with another awsome SERÃO (fireside). It was a stake president that came and spoke. He spoke on his experience as coming into the church. One of the experiences that hit me was when he shared how and elder had once approached him ( after he was in the church) and told him that he felt that he had not found everyone that he needed to. For this Elder was soon going to end his mission. The Stake president decided to pray about it (becuase i think the Elder asked him for referrals) and invited his brother to hear the discusions. As his brother excepted, the missionary and his companion came over. AS they were giving the First Vision of Joseph Smith, the spirit was extremly strong. As the elder was closing the Stake Presidents brother told the Missionary that when he was stating the vision, the man felt that he had known the Elder before. (WOW!!) The presidents brother was later baptized and became a leader in the Church. What a great story and example for not only Missionaries but for ward members giving referrals. O and also on Sunday they showed ´´Otherside of Heaven´´ It was a good to sit back and relax. That movie is so good. Well that pretty much sums up my week! AS for today, it was another great day going to the São Paulo temple. It simply is amazing. I wish you could see all the wood work. Its all over the temple. Its like mahagoany wood. Its beautiful. O and one of the districts in our Branch that we were close to left. They were all headed out to Belém (which is loacted in the far top of Brazil near the Jungle. Belém actually means Bethelahem) except for one. Also, our brazilian companions left today too. They were headed out to Curitiba. I wonder if we will get new brazilians this Thursday. Precisamos andar pela Fé e não pela Visão. (We need to walk by faith and not by sight J I got it from Pregar Meu Evangelho) Eu amo todos vocês!! Eu sei que Jesus Cristo sofreu por nos e que Jesus Cristo morreu por nos. Jesus Cristo é nosso Salvador! Well I wish you all the best
-Elder Fischer
BOA TARDE------ :)
This week has been amazing. I can´t believe that I have been here five weeks. Alright well let me get into the recap week of this week. On 8/1 I passed off my ´´Marco do Progresso´´ (Milestone) for the Primerio Lição Medio. (the first lesson) in portuguese. It is truly amazing how much the Lord blesses his servants with the language. Then 8/2 me and my companion taught our first lição at TRC. TRC is when you teach families in the CTM. It was crazy. Me and my companion actually only taught one person. He was really nice, but did not speak very much english. It was a great expereince. One cannot deny the truth of this Church, A Igreja de Jesus Cristo, por que o evangelho de Jesus Cristo é taught exactly the same everywhere, no matter if your in Brazil or the U.S. The man we taught truly had a testimony. I think he said that he joined the church about 14 years ago. His parents were members as well as his childeren. Or at least i think that is what he said in portugues; haha. The next highlight of my week was Sunday. Our sacrament meeting was really good. The spirit was so strong and was great to hear everyones testimonies. The CTM is truly a molding expereince. Eveyrone has their trials here and become morphed into what Jesus Cristo would like them to be, as long as they are putting in their effort. It is truly a blessing to be hear. Anyways, the serão (fireside) that night was amazing. It was the highlight of the day. It started with the most amazing prelude music. Every week we have the districts that are leaving sing and the districts that left today sang two songs. I don´t know the names of the songs but they were great. The first one was accapela. And then after the two songs, the Choir sang one of my favorite hymns---´´Til We Meet Again´´; J The speakers at the fireside were a stake president and his wife. They spoke on testimonies. It was really good, and I would like to share one of the stories he told as a missionary. He said he was teaching a family and they were all going to be baptized except one of the daugheters due to personal issues. So he told her that we would baptizer her even if she was his last baptism. He was later transferred from the area. Then towards the end of his mission he was talking with his mission president and asked if he could go back to that area and baptize her. He accpeted and he was trnafered over there. He went back and found the girl and said, ´´I´m back to baptize you´´ And she said, I have been waiting. ´´ What a wonderful story it was. God truly loves all of His childeren and knows each and everyone of us. The president then sang at the end of his talk. It was moving. He sang a song called, ´´My soul hunger´´´,---or at least i think that is what it is called. It was a great fireside and a terrficic sunday. However, My week continued to get even Better J. The next day, monday I was outside of the cafeteria with my district and I saw a group of people in the cafeteria. To my suprise, it was President Richardson!!! Justin and I ran inside and went to meet him. He was so happy to see me and I was so happy to so him. It was great to meet up with him. I rememeber before i left he told me that we might see each other, and im so glad we got to see eachother. He truly is a servant of the Lord and the missionaries in the São Paulo Sul missão are blessed. He said he met my mission president in Provo. He said he is awesome ( or something like that I don´t remeber what he said, but i remeber it was good). Well that was my week. And before i end i wanted to recap on today. It has been a really good day. Our district got to go to the São Paulo temple since we are now in our fifth week. The temple grounds are huge. There is a church building a store and it looked like two buidling that were about four stories each. The temple was not very big but ABSOLUTELY beautiful. Mom, I wish you could have been there. I have never seen anything like it. Seriously. I´m still in aw. It was a great experience;. We got to go with one of our teachers. It was kinda sad because this is his last week with us. And once we got back from the temple, we all went to a churrascaria (sp?) with our teacher. It was pretty good. I tried some chicken hearts J haha it was pretty good. I personally though Tucanos was better haha. O well. Brazil is amazing. Well that was the recap of my week. I look forward to your e-mails and I really like letters J They help me through the week, so thank you all for writing me!! Eu sei que famílias abêçoam nossas vidas e Eu amo minha família. Eu sei que Deus nos ama e nós somos seus filhos. Por, Deus é nosso Pai Celestial. Eu sei que porque Deus nos ama, Ele enviou sue filho Jesus Cristo para pagar por nossos pecados. Eu sei que Jesus Cristo é nosso salvador. Eu sei que, Joseph Smith foi o profetá de Deus. Eu sei que, Joseph Smith tranduzio O Livo De Mormon. Este Livro, é a palavra de Deus e eu sei que este é verdadeiro.
Love you all,
Boa Tarde,
Elder Fischer
Boa Tarde minha Famíla!
Another week has gone bye! I can´t believe i have been here for 4 weeks already. Its another beautiful day in São Paulo, Brazil. It has really warmed up a lot this week. I can only imagine what its going to be like in the summer. Actually this past week, one of the teachers that served in Rio said that the hottest it ever got was around (42 celsius i think he said) which is 111 -120 degrees i think and about 100% humidity. How much of that is true.. haha I don´t know. Anyways, before i get into the recap of my week, I just wanted to fill you in on my daily schedule. My mom wanted more details J So on a regular day with Gym, we arrive at 6:30 in the morning go to breakfeast at 7, and start personal study in our classroom at 7:30. Then at 8:00 we do companion study. Then at 8:30, we have class. Class goes till 12:00. In our class we learn grammar, ogospel liçãos, and practice teaching. Then at 12:00 we have lunch, till 1:00. Before lunch ends, we check our mail J haha. Then we have MDS ( missionary Directed Study) until 1:40. We then have gym fromc 2:00 untill 2:40. WE then take showers and start our MDS again from 3:20 till 4:30. Then we have dinner till 5:30, and start our class, which goes untill 9:15. We then plan the next day and have to be done by 9:30 and then in our rooms by 10:30 and lights out by 10:30. Its crazy. On other days, where there is no GYM Wednesdays, and Fridays-o and on P-day. The days that we don´t we just have MDS from 1-4:30. Its a bit long haha. Well onto my week. This past friday was the major highlight of it. We went PROSLYTING!!It was amazing. All of us eight elders loaded up into the bus and headed for the ´´wall street´´ of São Paulo. Man was it a sight. It was like New York meets Europe. IT was the craziest thing. I wish i would have been able to bring my camera. They don´t let us bring them or to the Temple. Kinda sad, since today was my last time at the Campinas Temple today. It was beautiful. But, back to proseltying. It was a very humbling experience. The Lord truly helps guide His servants to help those that are in need. We were given 3 Book of Mormons each and we were very sucessfull, only ebcuase of the Lord. I can´t believe that in just three weeks we talking to people on the streets, bearing our testimonies that A Igreja de Jesus Cristo Dos Santos Dos Últimos Dias has is upon the earth today. What na amazing experience. At first i was a bit nervous, but as time went on it became fun. I´m so grateful the Lord blesses the missionaries with the Language. What a blessing it is to take part in this work. It will always be a memory. I will cherish the experiences I had as i was able to talk about Christ and tell them truth. Not that i knew what i was always saying haha, but trying. Other than proseltying the week was pretty normal. We continued to push through Liçãos and are still pracitising our first lesson in portuguese. Well I don´t have much time this week, but I look forward to your e-mails everyone! In fact, now that both of the mail strikes have ended I started to get in real mail! Thanks so much! I wish you all the best! Eu sei que Deus nos ama. Eu sei que Jesus Cristo é meu salvador. Jesus Cristo sofreu por nossos pecados e através de Jesus Cristo nós podemos voltar a Deus. O que é Abençoando (sp?). Eu sei que joseph Smith foi o profetá de Deus e que Joseph Smith traduzio O Livro de Mórmon. Eu sei que O Livro de Mórmon é a palavra de Deus e testifica de Jesus Cristo. Eu amo minha famíla e eu sei que as familias é eternidade;
Love you all,
-Elder Fischer