Tue 8/12/08 10:30 AM
Olá Família!!
This week has flown bye!! Its another beautiful day in Casa Verde, São Paulo, Brazil. Although most of this week was pretty gloomy. We has storm come in and it rained off and on the whole week. It was a nice change though. I can´t believe how it is already so warm here about 23-27 degrees celceius and its winter!! Alright for the recap of this week: The beginging of the week it was just the same old. Lots of studying and trying to Learn more Portuguese. Then on Friday we went PROSELTYING!! Proselyting was great! Altough it was a bit difficult this time becuase of the weather. Nonetheless it was a great experience. We went to the same place as last time ´´ The Wall Street´´ of São Paulo, but just a few blocks up. It is such a blessing to take part in the Lord´s work. I felt really good about this one Livro de Mórmon I gave away. It was a young man about my age or older. We met him at the crosswalk. I bore testimony of the Book and how I have come to know that Jesus is my Savior and other said a few other things. It was a really great experience. Sunday was another great day. The president of our Branch spoke, Presidente Larado. He spoke on companionship unity. It was really good. He is a really smart with analogies. Sunday contintued to get better with another awsome SERÃO (fireside). It was a stake president that came and spoke. He spoke on his experience as coming into the church. One of the experiences that hit me was when he shared how and elder had once approached him ( after he was in the church) and told him that he felt that he had not found everyone that he needed to. For this Elder was soon going to end his mission. The Stake president decided to pray about it (becuase i think the Elder asked him for referrals) and invited his brother to hear the discusions. As his brother excepted, the missionary and his companion came over. AS they were giving the First Vision of Joseph Smith, the spirit was extremly strong. As the elder was closing the Stake Presidents brother told the Missionary that when he was stating the vision, the man felt that he had known the Elder before. (WOW!!) The presidents brother was later baptized and became a leader in the Church. What a great story and example for not only Missionaries but for ward members giving referrals. O and also on Sunday they showed ´´Otherside of Heaven´´ It was a good to sit back and relax. That movie is so good. Well that pretty much sums up my week! AS for today, it was another great day going to the São Paulo temple. It simply is amazing. I wish you could see all the wood work. Its all over the temple. Its like mahagoany wood. Its beautiful. O and one of the districts in our Branch that we were close to left. They were all headed out to Belém (which is loacted in the far top of Brazil near the Jungle. Belém actually means Bethelahem) except for one. Also, our brazilian companions left today too. They were headed out to Curitiba. I wonder if we will get new brazilians this Thursday. Precisamos andar pela Fé e não pela Visão. (We need to walk by faith and not by sight J I got it from Pregar Meu Evangelho) Eu amo todos vocês!! Eu sei que Jesus Cristo sofreu por nos e que Jesus Cristo morreu por nos. Jesus Cristo é nosso Salvador! Well I wish you all the best
-Elder Fischer
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